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Is it safe to walk in downtown austinIs it safe to walk in downtown austin. Is it safe to walk in downtown Austin?
Travel Stack Is it safe to walk in downtown austin is a question /34618.txt answer site for road warriors and seasoned travelers. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy на этой странице search. While reading reviews about hotels in Austin, Texas, I found some reviews talking about areas struck with crime and drugs, where it is dangerous to walk the streets.
I don't drive, and would like to walk the city as much as possible. How can I make sure that I don't enter any danger zones? I've lived in Austin for about 15 years, so I have a pretty good idea of areas that are dangerous.
Thankfully, most of the city is quite safe, especially the places where a visitor is likely to адрес страницы walking around. The following crime heat map should be helpful:. However, that map may be a little misleading. You'll notice that is it safe to walk in downtown austin highest concentration of crime is in downtown right on top of the "Austin" label. But that's also the most densely populated area and the center of nightlife, so it's no surprise that this area would see more incidents.
In my experience, most of downtown is fairly safe. Of course, you'll want to use common sense just like in any city i. Also, one thing to keep in mind about downtown Austin is that there's a homeless shelter around 7th and Neches.
Violent attacks by this homeless population are very rare, but it has happened occasionally. Most likely, they'll just ask you for change. If this makes you uncomfortable, you should avoid this corner. But I wouldn't recommend cutting too wide of a swath -- some of the best music venues in town are one block away on Red River St and these spots are pretty popular and safe. This is right next to the University of Texas, so a high concentration of college students live in this zone.
The crime here is mostly stuff like car break-ins, party-related incidents, etc. None of this should really concern больше информации visitor, and there's not much for tourists to see here anyway.
Historically, the area east of downtown on the east side of I has been a low-income neighborhood. In recent years, is it safe to walk in downtown austin zone has experienced a lot of gentrification and is home to a number of new restaurants, shops, and bars. There are also many great establishments here run by the long-time residents of east Austin.
This area is generally pretty safe, is it safe to walk in downtown austin it's worth exercising some caution if you decide to walk through these neighborhoods. As you can see, the map has some patches of orange in that vicinity. On the map, you'll also notice some crime hotspots in far north and northeast Austin around Cameron Rd and Rundberg Ln. These are low-income neighborhoods that can be dangerous in certain spots. However, there's probably not much that a visitor would want to see in these areas, and they're also not very pedestrian-friendly although there are some great and affordable Asian restaurants in far North Austin.
In general, you're probably pretty what does r mean in terminology if you stick to the typical tourist areas which in Austin aren't very touristy.
These include:. Sign up to join this community. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Danger is it safe to walk in downtown austin in Austin, Texas Ask Question.
Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Modified 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 71k times. Improve this question. Really, the only place I'd call high-risk is East 12thth. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first.
These include: Congress Ave just south of the river i. Improve this answer. Todd Simmons Todd Simmons 3 3 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges. Yeah, I don't mean to offend anyone by using the term "hipster". It was just the best shorthand description I could come up with. And FWIW, there are many great non-hipster destinations in east Autsin that are totally worth checking out. But they may require some driving and are somewhat off the beaten path for tourists. Fellow Austinite here. Great answer.
All in all, Austin is a pretty safe city. The only places I go out of my way to avoid are the downtown area at 2 AM on weekends for completely obvious reasons, this is when you see the worst of Austinand the neighborhoods a bit north of E.
In asheville nc reviews never felt really in danger or even nervous anywhere else. I'm not sure that ever rose to the level of нажмите сюда, but could see folks being uncomfortable with some level of cause.
Also, keep in mind that one of the biggest dangers for pedestrians in Austin comes from drivers: kut. Show 2 more comments. Not перейти на страницу answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged safety texas austin or ask your own is it safe to walk in downtown austin. Featured on Meta. Bookmarks have evolved into Saves. October photo competition: Yellow.
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